Here’s our chance to save them...
SAVING SOAP OPERAS $10 at a time
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The Goal:
To raise $1 million dollars in 30 days to secure the rights to One Life to Live and All My Children.
Let’s prove the power of our community. Use your voice and speak loud and proud with your contribution. Put in whatever you can-remember that you vote with your money. ($10 suggested, any amount appreciated.)
We’re doing something important by saving these shows. We’re taking the power back from corporate culture and making TV by the FANS, for the FANS.
We are in this together!
This is a challenge pledge drive.
-Your money will remain in an escrow account until we have raised all of the funds. If we don’t meet our challenge, all monies will be returned.
-This is not a charitable donation and it is NOT tax deductible.
Our daily blogger, Daytime Believer, will keep tabs on our progress, and update you with any news, so check in anytime to see where we are in the campaign!